Testing SaveCard

These scenarios do not include 3D Secure 2 authentication testing.

See Testing 3D Secure 2 Flows for 3D Secure 2 authentication testing for your app.


SaveCard Scenarios (Positive Flow)

Use saveCard If you do not want to perform a pre-authorisation check on a customer's account. SaveCard stores the card details and tokenises the card number into an encrypted string.


During the saveCard request flow, Judopay validates the fields in the request model before storing the card details and tokenising the card number.
If the request fails these checks, for example due to an incorrect field value, or the field has been incorrectly formatted, you will receive a model error response.. For more information, see Model Errors

The cardToken is not validated by the issuer, until it is used in a payment or preAuth request.


Important to Consider

  • SaveCard involves storing the card details:

    • cardNumber

    • cardExpiryDate

    • cv2

  • Tokenises the card number into an encrypted string.

  • The saveCard request is not processed through the 3D Secure 2 flow and is not authenticated.

  • You cannot use the receiptId from the saveCard response for Merchant Initiated Transactions.

    • This is due to the saveCard request not being validated by the issuer.

      For more information on the Merchant Initiated Transaction flow, see Important to Consider - MIT Flow.

SaveCard does not validate the card or account, as the request does not go to the payment gateway.

Suggested Field Validation Test Scenario

Expected Outcome Tip

Process a saveCard request with the CV2/CVV security code included in the request to check the CV2/CVV field format is valid.



The CV2 field validation check will be performed during the process.

Process a saveCard request without the CV2/CVV security code included in the request.



The CV2 field validation check will not be performed during the process.


Process a saveCard request with the billing address information (cardAddress block) included in the request to check the fields are correct.



Ensure the cardAddress block has the correct fields:

  • address1

  • address2

  • address3

  • town

  • postCode

    • Required

  • countryCode

    • Any ISO 3166-1 3 digit country code of the card holder's address.

Example cardAddress block:

"cardAddress": {  
    "address1": "CardHolder House",  
    "address2": "1 CardHolder Street",  
    "address3": "CardHolder Area",  
    "town": "CardHolder Town",  
    "postCode": "AB1 2CD",  
    "countryCode": 826,  
    "state": "FL"


To validate the card is registered to the correct post code, ensure the following permission on your sandbox API Credentials is enabled:

  • Enforce AVS checks.

The default setting = disabled.

Process a saveCard request without the billing address information (cardAddress block) included in the request.




For more information on API credentials and permissions, see Permissions.


Test Card Data

To simulate a successful saveCard request use the test card details here.


Request Parameters

Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions/savecard



Body Parameters:



Request Example:



Response Example:


SaveCard Scenarios (Negative Flow)

Field and formatting errors can occur for various reasons, it can be impossible to simulate all the model errors in a sandbox environment.

Important to Consider:

  • How your app handles negative flows

  • Your customer's experience should a negative flow occur:

    • Logic to communicate error messages

    • Customise how your app responds

  • How to maintain application consistency


Follow our suggested guidelines to simulate model errors, to test your app’s error handling:

Suggested Field Validation Negative Scenario

Expected Error Code

Model Error Description
Attempt to perform a saveCard request using an invalid/expired card expiry date.



    "details": [
            "code": 46,
            "fieldName": "ExpiryDate",
            "message": "Sorry, but the expiry date entered is in the past. 
             Please check your details and try again."


Attempt to perform a saveCard request using an invalid card number.

For example use 13 digits for the card number.

    "details": [
            "code": 30,
            "fieldName": "CardNumber",
            "message": "Sorry, it looks like the card number entered is invalid. 
             Please check your details and try again."


Attempt to perform a saveCard request with an invalid CV2 field format.


For example "ABC123".


    "details": [
           "message": "Sorry, we're unable to process your request. 
            Please check your details and try again.",
           "code": 1,
           "category": 2


Attempt to perform a saveCard request with a missing CV2.

The sandbox token has cv2 enabled, the saveCard request has an empty cv2 field.

    "details": [
            "code": 31,
            "fieldName": "Cv2",
            "message": "Sorry, you've not supplied the 3-digit card security code. 
             Please check your details and try again."


Where the codes remain fixed, the descriptions may change. You should not build any error handling logic based on these descriptions.

For a list of possible error codes, types and descriptions, see Error Codes and Descriptions


Next Steps

Using the cardToken from the saveCard response, you can test the following scenarios:


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