Judopay's Web SDK is a JavaScript library which includes a fully customisable hosted iframe solution enabling you to collect sensitive card information.

You will not take on additional PCI scope, as sensitive card information such as:

  • card number (PAN)

  • expiry date

  • CV2 

will be submitted by your customers into fields hosted by Judopay.


Also use our Web SDK to integrate:


Creating a 3D Secure 2 Payment with the Web SDK

We have made it a simple implementation for you to upgrade and integrate 3D Secure 2 within your payment flow.


Web SDK Version 0.0.29 (and higher) fully supports 3D Secure 2 flows. No additional support is required, the SDK does the rest.
The following guide is a full working example for use with Judopay's Web SDK.

Make sure your account has 3D Secure 2 enabled. Contact ​Customer Support​​ to set this up.


When authorising /payments or /preauths it is recommended to use paymentSession.

Payment Flow:



Step One: Create a paymentSession

Make sure you are using Judopay's API version or higher.

Important to Consider:

  • The paymentSession can be used for up to three transaction attempts for the same transaction.

    • If the block duplicate transactions permission has been applied on your API tokens, the paymentSession can only be used for one transaction attempt.

  • A payment session can be used again to re-submit a failed transaction attempt.

  • Once a transaction attempt is successful, the paymentSession can no longer be used even if there are any remaining attempts available.

  • The paymentSession will expire in 30 minutes, unless an ExpiryDate is set in the /paymentsession request body.

    • The expiry date must be within one year: "ExpiryDate": "2023-10-06T17:43:21+01:00"

    As soon as the payment session is used for the initial transaction attempt, this will initiate the 30 minute expiry time.


Make a HTTP POST Request: /paymentsession

For the full schema details and descriptions, see Transaction API /paymentsession


Response Model

Payment-Session - Response Reference:


Your backend server should store the paymentSession response reference returned by Judopay's API.
Use this reference from the response to populate paymentSession when calling /payments and /preauths from your front-end client.
See Step Three: Making a Transaction.

The following parameters need to remain consistent between the /paymentsession requests and the /payments and /preauths requests, otherwise the transaction will fail:

  • YourPaymentReference

  • YourConsumerReference

  • JudoID

  • Currency

  • Amount

This is used to cross reference the validity of the transaction.


Step Two: Add the Payment Form to your Website


Create and customise the Judopay Web SDK iFrame:

  1. Add the code snippet in your web page <HEAD>: <script src="https://web.judopay.com/js/0.0.43/judopay.min.js"></script>

    To automatically receive non-breaking changes, you can pin to the minor version (0.0) rather than the current patch version (0.0.43).

    This example will use jQuery for a promise, so include the following in your web page <HEAD>: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js></script>

  2. In your <BODY> add a <div> tag where you want the iframe to appear: <div id="payment-iframe" width="100%"></div>

    This example uses the id: payment-frame. You can use whatever id you wish.

  1. In your <BODY> add a <div> tag where you want the errors in form entry to appear.

    For the purpose of this exercise, the class is named judopay-errors, and sets a style to be red.

    You can add any custom style you wish in your .CSS file. <div class="judopay-errors" style="color:red">Error Location</div>

    For more information on all errors that can be returned, see Displaying Payment Form Error Messages.

  1. In your <BODY> add a button call: submit-payment-button for the iframe submission to Judopay.

    Make sure you have set:id="submit-payment-button" . This is required to perform form validation where the Pay button will be greyed out until all the information has been entered.

    <button id="submit-payment-button" Pay Now </button>

    You can apply any css styling you wish to this button.

  2. In your <BODY> define the iFrameConfiguration object. This is used to customise the look and behaviour of the iFrame.

    For more information on customising the iFrame, see Customising your Web SDK Integration.


    An example of an iFrameConfiguration object:

The iframe is created in your <SCRIPT> location.


See below for more details on the parameters that create the iFrameConfiguration object:


  1. Create an instance of the Judopay Web SDK: var judo = new JudoPay("yourAPIToken", true); //initialize library
  • Alter yourAPIToken to match your Sandbox API Token

  • The second parameter is called useSandbox

    • Set to true to use the Sandbox environment.

    • Set to false to use the Production environment.

  1. Create the iFrame in the <div> tag: var payment = judo.createCardDetails('payment-iFrame', iFrameConfiguration)

    • 'payment-iFrame': The <div> id where the iFrame will be rendered, in step (2) above.

    • iFrameConfiguration: The object defined to customise the look and behaviour of the iFrame, in step (5) above.


Step Three: Making a Transaction

To make a transaction:

  1. Define the paymentConfiguration object for the payment or preAuth:

Ensure the details used when creating the paymentSession match the values set in the following configuration:


See below for more details on the parameters that create the paymentConfiguration object:


  1. In a function, add the invokePayment call.

    This will invoke a payment using the paymentSession and paymentConfiguration


To invoke a preauth, change the above code to .invokePreauth

  1. To call the function (in step 2 above) to invoke the payment or preauth, add the onclick attribute to the payment button <div>:

    <button id="submit-payment-button" onclick="handlePaymentButtonClick()"> Pay Now </button>


Step Four: Handle the Response

Once the authorisation is complete you will receive either:


The consumer should be redirected to the outcome screen and the response/error should be handled accordingly.

For example, if the result = SUCCESS redirect the consumer to the Success Page, else ERROR.


For more information on the response codes, see Codes.


Putting it all together to display the payment form and make a transaction:



Setting up an Incremental Authorisation

The incremental authorisation feature allows you to increment the value of your original preAuth for scenarios where you need to charge your customer a higher total amount.
By incrementing the preAuth value, you will be able to capture the total amount that you wish to charge your customer when you are ready.

The allow increment flag allows you to set up your initial preAuth so that it can be incremented by an additional amount.

This feature is only available with a limited set of processors - please check with your account manager before you use this feature.

  • allowIncrement is a part of the main JudoPaymentConfiguration config object, and can be set when creating the configuration object.

  • If present = it is automatically applied for preAuth requests.

  • If no value is provided = then false is set by default.


val configuration: JudoPaymentConfiguration = {
    allowIncrement: true,

const judopay = new JudoPay()
judopay.createCardDetails('jupay-payment-iframe', configuration)


Creating a CheckCard Request with the Web SDK

The Web SDK’s Check Card functionality can be used to perform a zero amount pre-authorisation (0 Auth).

Check Card enables you to check the validity of the card, to be used for future payments.


Do you have a stored card wallet for existing customers?

If validation is successful, a card token is returned as part of the response object. This token can then be stored and used for a payments/preauths request in the future, using the Web SDK’s Token Payment functionality.



Make sure you are using Web SDK Version 0.0.34 (or higher).

Make sure you have implemented the following prerequisites:


Step One: Making a Check Card Request

  1. Define the checkCardConfiguration object.

    Ensure the details used when creating the paymentSession match the values set in the checkCardConfiguration object.


See below for more details on the parameters that create the checkCardConfiguration object:


  1. In a function, add the invokeCheckCard call.

    This will make Check Card request using both the paymentSession and checkCardConfiguration.



  1. To call the invokeCheckCard function (in step 2 above) to make the Check Card request, add the onclick attribute to the payment button <div>:

This is the same button that is used for payments, however you can update the button label to reflect it’s functionality. For example: Check Card instead of Pay Now.


Step Two: Handle the Response

Once the Check Card request is complete you will receive either:

The response / error should be handled accordingly.


Creating a SaveCard Request with the Web SDK

If you do not want to perform a pre-authorisation check on a customer's account, use this call to tokenise the card information into an encrypted string.

Do you have a stored card wallet for existing customers?

If validation is successful, a card token is returned as part of the response object.

This token can then be stored and used for a payments / preauths request in the future, using the Web SDK’s Token Payment functionality.




Step One: Making a Save Card Request

  1. Define the saveCardConfiguration object.

Ensure the details used when creating the paymentSession match the values set in the saveCardConfiguration object.


See below for more details on the parameters that create the saveCardConfiguration object:


  1. In a function, add the invokeSaveCard call.

    This will make a Save Card request using the paymentSession and saveCardConfiguration.


  1. To call the invokeSaveCard function (in step 2 above) to make the Save Card request, add the onclick attribute to the payment button <div>:

    <button id="submit-payment-button" onclick="handleSaveCardButtonClick()"> Save Card </button>

    This is the same button that is used for payments, however you can update the button label to reflect it’s functionality.

    For example: Save Card instead of Pay Now.


Step Two: Handle the Response

Once the Save Card request is complete you will receive either:

The response / error should be handled accordingly.


Creating a Token Payment with the Web SDK

Supports token payment and token preAuth.

Do you have a stored card wallet for existing customers, making use of card tokens?

Using our Web SDK, you will also be able to invoke a customer-initiated payment using a card token, to handle:

  • payments

  • preAuths

  • 3D Secure challenges

    on your behalf.


Step One: Setting up the Web SDK

To invoke a customer-initiated transaction using a card token, follow the below steps from Creating a 3D Secure 2 Payment with the Web SDK:

The payment form iFrame must be loaded onto the page in order for payments to work. However displaying the form to the consumer is not required for this transaction type.

To hide the payment form iFrame, use: <div id="payment-iframe" style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0;"></div>


Step Two: Making a Token Transaction

To make a token transaction:

  1. Define the tokenConfiguration object for the token payment or token preAuth.

Ensure the details used when creating the paymentSession match the values set in the following configuration:


See below for more details on the parameters that create the tokenConfiguration object:


  1. In a function, add the invokeTokenPayment call.

    This will invoke a payment using the paymentSession and tokenPaymentConfiguration


To invoke a preAuth, change the above code to .invokeTokenPreauth

  1. To customise the style of the Token Details Modal Input, add an extra parameter to the invokeTokenPayment call:

    judo.invokeTokenPayment(paymentSession, tokenConfiguration, tokenDetailsModalStyle)


    The tokenDetailsModalStyle is an object defining the style of the modal.

    For example:

    This object has been updated to include the fields: labelTextContent2 and inputPlaceholder2 , which can be used to set the style for the cardHolderName input.


    An example of the tokenDetailsModalStyle object:


  1. Add a token payment button: <button id="submit-token-payment-button" onclick="handleTokenPaymentButtonClick()"> Pay Now </button>

    When clicked, the function that invokes the token payment or token preAuth is called (in step 2 above).


Step Three: Handle the Response

All the Judopay Web SDK transaction methods return a promise.

Once the authorisation is complete, the promise will be either fulfilled or rejected.


  • You will receive a JSON object response (a Judopay receipt object).

    • For more information and schema on the JSON object, see API Transaction Response.

      This does not mean the transaction was successful.
      Check the result parameter of this response to see the result of the transaction.

  • Depending on the result the consumer should be redirected to the appropriate outcome page.

    • For example, if the result = SUCCESS redirect the consumer to the Success Page.

  • This page should display the necessary transaction information (found in the Judopay receipt object).


  • You will receive an error object

  • The consumer should be redirected to an Error Page.



For more information on the response codes, see Codes.


Putting it all together to set up the Web SDK and make a token transaction:


Testing your Integration

Follow our Testing your Web SDK Integration test scenarios, to test your integration and generate:

  • Successful payments

  • Declined payments

  • Unexpected errors


Customising your Web SDK Integration


Configuration File Example

Below is an example configuration object that customises the payment iFrame.

It is provided as a parameter to the createCardDetails Web SDK call: judo.createCardDetails('payment-iFrame', iFrameConfiguration)


Displaying Payment Form Error Messages

The Web SDK is designed to provide feedback quickly and clearly to the consumer.

To display payment form error messages:

  1. Add a div with the id judopay-errors on your page, ideally below the iframe: <div class="judopay-errors"></div>;


The table below displays all errors that can be returned:


Error String


Card number can only contain numbers


Card number not valid


Card type not recognised, please recheck your number

3{1} is not supported


Card number required


Card is expired


Card expiry date is not valid


Expiry date required


{0} code too short for {1} card


{0} code too long for {1} card


{0} code can only contain numbers


{0} code required for {1} card

12Post/Zip code is invalid
13Sorry, an error has occurred, you have not been charged.
14Cardholder Name is required
15Cardholder Name can't be less than 4 characters
16Cardholder Name can't contain numbers or special characters

For error strings containing {0} and {1}, these will be changed into values depending on the current state of the iframe form.


For example:

  • {0} will change to the card verification code acronym. This is named differently depending on the card type (e.g. CVC, CVV).

  • {1} will refer to the detected card type, for example Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club International or Discover.

If the iframe has detected a Visa number, the following error message transform would occur: {0} code too long for {1} card" -> "CVC code to long for Visa card

A similar error with an American Express card, the message would appear as: CID code too long for American Express card"


Web SDK Error Responses

There are 2 possible error formats:

  1. Error responses from our Transaction API (which the Web SDK formats and returns).

    These are caused by the transaction itself, for example incorrect payment credentials | failure of 3D Secure 2.

    For more information on this type of error, see Enhanced Error Messaging for Web SDK


  1. Errors thrown by the Web SDK code.

    Examples of causes can be, scripts failing to load | closing of a modal | time-outs.

    For more information on this type of error, see here.


Enhanced Error Messaging for Web SDK

For Web SDK Version 0.0.29 (or higher), the error response object has the following additional fields describing the error:

  • name

  • status

  • judoDetails

Not all errors returned from the Web SDK will have the new format described below.
This only refers to errors that originated from our Transaction API (previous to version 0.0.29) having the following interface: {message: string}.

Error Object Response Fields




A text description of the error.


Represents a name for the type of error.


A HTTP response status code.



Object giving additional context to the error.

For further details on the interface of the judoDetails object, including examples, see JudoDetails Object.

This field is optional.

Examples of the Enhanced error response

The enhanced error response provides an error object with additional fields to increase the description of the error, for example:


Cause of Error: When the amount = 0.00

Enhanced Error Response:

 message: 'Request failed with status code 400',
 name: "Error"
 status: 400,
 judoDetails: {
    category: 2,
    code: 1,
    details: [{
        code: 4
        fieldName: 'Amount'
        message: 'Sorry, but the amount specified must be greater than "0".',  
        detail: "Sorry, we're currently unable to process this request."}], 
    message: "Sorry, we're unable to process your request. Please check your details and try again."


Cause of Error: When card authentication fails

Enhanced Error Response:

 message: 'Request failed with status code 400'
 name: "Error",
 status: 400,
 judoDetails: {
    category: 4,
    code: 158,
    message: "Sorry, but your card authentication has failed."


JudoDetails Object

The judoDetails object aims to provide additional context around the error.

See below for further information on the optional judoDetails object that is now included in the error response:

JudoDetails Interface




A text description of the error.



A static numeric code associated with the specific error.



The type of error:

1 - RequestError

2 - ModelError

3 - ConfigError

4 - DuplicationError / ProcessingError

5 - ExceptionError



Object giving additional context to the error.

For examples on what this object may look like, see, judoDetails Examples.

This field is optional.

For ModelError:

  • Array of FieldErrors describing one or more attributes.

For DuplicationError:

  • Provides the receiptId and url of the duplicate transaction.

Judodetails Examples



    message: "Sorry, but we were unable to authenticate your request.  Please check your details and try again.",  
    code: 403,  
    category: 1 


    message: "We've been unable to decrypt the supplied Encrypted payload.  
    Please ensure the message has not been modified.",  
    code: 150,  
    category: 1 


ModelError 2

Response will contain one or more FieldErrors in the details block.


    details: [  
        code: 50,  
        fieldName: "PostCode",  
        message: "Please supply the postcode"  
        code: 33,  
        fieldName: "Cv2",  
        message: "Sorry, the security code entered is invalid.  Please check your details and try again."  
        message: "Sorry, we're unable to process your request.  Please check your details and try again."
        code: 1,  
        category: 2 




    message: "Sorry, but the amount you're trying to collect is greater than the pre-auth.",  
    code: 46,  
    category: 3 


    message: "Sorry, but the amount you're trying to refund is greater than the original transaction.",  
    code: 49,  
    category: 3 


DuplicationError 4


            receiptId: 717774858666278912,  
            url: "https://gw1.karatepay-sandbox.com/transactions/717774858666278912"   
            message: "Sorry, this payment has been stopped as it is a duplicate transaction.",  
            code: 86,  
            category: 4 


    message: "Sorry, but your card authentication attempt was rejected by the issuer.",  
    code: 159,  
    category: 4 




    message: "The content-type was not specified or is unsupported for the request   
    made to the Judopay API. Currently supported content-type is limited to application/json.",  
    code: 0,  
    category: 5 



Apple Pay™ for Web

It is assumed you already have a Judopay account. If you do not, sign up for a sandbox account here.



Make sure you are using Web SDK Version 0.0.18 (or higher).

Make sure you have implemented the following prerequisites:

  • From the Web SDK integration guide, you have completed the following:

    The payment form iFrame must be loaded onto the page in order for payments to work. However displaying the form to the consumer is not required for this transaction type.

    To hide the payment form iFrame, use: <div id="payment-iframe" style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0;"></div>


Direct from Judopay:

  • Judopay JudoID

  • A valid apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

From the Merchant:      

  • Domain(s) being used for Apple Pay™

  • These are the domain(s) where the Apple Pay™ button will be displayed, for example the checkout page.      

These must be SSL enabled domains, Apple will not allow non-encrypted domains to be used.

  • Account(s) being used for Apple Pay™


Integrating Apple Pay™

Step One: Place the Apple Pay™ Button

Using Judopay's Web SDK:

  1. Within your checkout page code, add the following for placement of the Apple Pay™ Button:
    <div id="apple-pay-button-container" width="100%" align="left"></div>  

This <div> tag will be exchanged to display the Apple Pay™ Button.
(On a browser or device that can use Apple Pay™, for example an iPhone, or Safari Browser on a Mac).


Step Two: Update the Apple Pay™ Button

  1. Include the following script to create the Apple Pay™ Button:

This sample will call the handleApplePayButtonClick function, when the button is clicked.

  • black

  • white

Type (Optional):
  • If set to buy:

    • Buy now with Apple, will be displayed.

  • If omitted:

    • The Apple Logo will be displayed.


Step Three: Handle the Apple Pay™ Button Click

  1. Include the following script to handle the Apple Pay™ Payment:

Replace the items in {{brackets}} with your values.


See below for more details on the parameters that create the applePayConfiguration object:


  1. Ensure the configuration options for:

  • amount

  • currency

  • yourConsumerReference

  • yourPaymentReference

    match those used when obtaining the valid paymentSession.


    This is used to cross reference the validity of the transaction.


Step Four: Handle the Response

Once the authorisation is complete you will receive either:

The consumer should be redirected to the outcome screen and the response / error should be handled accordingly.

For example, if the result = SUCCESS redirect the consumer to the Success Page, else ERROR.


For more information on the response codes, see Codes.


Apple Pay™ Recurring Payments

Apple Pay™ recurring payments enables you to process a standard Apple Pay™ transaction, however by setting the initialRecurringPayment flag in the initial transaction, will result in an Apple Pay™ recurring payment token (also known as a Merchant Primary Account Number, or MPAN) being generated and sent to Judopay.


The Apple Pay™ MPAN is stored by Judopay, and an associated Judopay card token is returned in the Apple Pay™ transaction response. This associated Judopay card token can then be used by you for future Merchant Initiated Transactions.


You will be responsible for initiating the recurring / MIT transactions, including those generated from an Apple Pay™ Recurring transaction type.
Call Judopay's Transaction API /transactions/payments endpoint directly, including the recurring payment card token, obtained from the initial transaction.

Card tokens generated from Apple Pay™ Recurring transactions can be utilised for both scheduled (recurring MIT) and unscheduled (ad hoc MIT) transactions.
For more information, see the Transaction API Reference documentation.


To trigger an initial transaction that allows you to set up an Apple Pay™ recurring payment token for future MITs.:

Define the recurring payment information

Supply the initialRecurringPayment flag in your configuration object (see, Step Three: Handle the Apple Pay™ Button Click).

Supplying the recurring payment information will:

  • Inform Apple Pay™ of future recurring payments.

  • Update the Apple Pay™ UI with the recurring payment information displayed to the consumer.


  1. Add the details field to your configuration object (see, Step Three: Handle the Apple Pay™ Button Click), if this is not already supplied.

    For more information on this object’s interface, see PaymentDetailsBase in the W3C Payment Request API Specification.

  1. As part of the details object, include the modifiers field.

    This is an array of objects of the type: PaymentRequestModifier (see, W3C Payment Request API Specification).

  2. Define a PaymentRequestModifier in the array.

    Here, the data field is used to define the Apple Pay™ Recurring Payment Request.


An example details object, used to supply recurring payment information:

Ensure you change the values to your own.


The above example details object includes all the mandatory fields.
For more information on optional fields, see the Apple Pay™ Documentation.


Domain Registration

To get your valid Apple™ domain registration:

  1. Create the following folder on your web server's root domain directory: ./well-known

  1. In the folder, create a web server identity file: apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

  1. Add the following contents to the web server identity file:

Take care when copying and pasting the contents.

  1. Complete a web server test:

    1. Make sure the web server identity file is accessible externally from your website.

    2. In a browser go to: https://www.yourdomain.com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

    3. Change the location to your website domain.

    4. Ensure that the apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association file is downloadable.

Apple will use this location to check the validity of your domain. It is important this is externally accessible.

  1. Notify Judopay of the following details:

    • JudoID(s)    

      List your JudoIDs you wish enabled for Apple Pay™

    • Domain(s)   

      List your domain URLs you wish enabled for Apple Pay™  

Judopay developer support will enable your account(s) with the Apple Pay™ configuration that will allow you to perform Apple Pay™ transactions from those domains.
Once complete, we will reply to your original request notifying you that this has been actioned.


Google Pay™ for Web

The Judopay Web SDK implements our own easy to use Google Wallet handling service which wraps Google's API requirements, making it very easy for our merchants to implement Google Pay™ for Web.
For more information on the Google Pay™ payment flow, see their Developer Guide.

It is assumed you already have a Judopay account. If you do not, sign up for a sandbox account here.



Make sure you are using Web SDK Version 0.0.18 (or higher).

Make sure you have implemented the following prerequisites:

  • From the Web SDK integration guide, you have completed the following:

    The payment form iFrame must be loaded onto the page in order for payments to work. However displaying the form to the consumer is not required for this transaction type.

    To hide the payment form iFrame, use: <div id="payment-iframe" style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0;"></div>


Direct from Judopay:

  • Judopay Account (sandbox and eventually live)

  • Judopay JudoID

Merchant Requirement (Google Requirement):

Prior to going live with Google Pay™ Web Payments, you must have a valid Google verified Live Merchant ID.

To receive your Live Merchant ID:

  1. Follow Google Pay™'s Integration Checklist, to ensure you have completed all the required steps in your integration.

  2. Begin the process to obtain production access from Google, here.


Integrating Google Pay™

Step One: Displaying the Google Pay™ Button


See below for more details on the parameters that create the googlePayConfiguration object:


Google Pay™ Button Style

To help you implement Google Pay™ within your apps, see their Brand Guidelines*.

* The Google Pay™ button guidelines have been updated as follows:
- Buttons have rounded edges.
- The color of the button can no longer be set. (If you do set this, it will not break anything, but will no longer have any effect).
- The long and short button types have been deprecated and replaced with types buy and plain.


You can set the following parameters in the buttonStyle object (defined in the Google Pay Configuration Parameter Descriptions):






  • If set to buy:

    • If the consumer is not logged into their Google Pay™ account Buy with G Pay will be displayed.


    • If the consumer is logged into their Google Pay™ account, the details of their selected card will be displayed.




  • If set to donate, Donate with G Pay will be displayed.


  • If set to plain, the G Pay logo will be displayed.


  • If set to book, Book with G Pay will be displayed.


  • If set to checkout, Checkout with G Pay will be displayed.


  • If set to order, Order with G Pay will be displayed.


  • If set to pay, Pay with G Pay will be displayed.


  • if set to subscribe, Subscribe with G Pay will be displayed.



  • Static

  • Fill



Sets the button height in pixels



Sets the button width in pixels



Sets the localised language versions of the Buy with text


Step Two: Handle the Response

Once the authorisation is complete you will receive either:

The consumer should be redirected to the outcome screen and the response / error should be handled accordingly.

For example, if the result = SUCCESS redirect the consumer to the Success Page, else ERROR.


For more information on the response codes, see Error Codes and Descriptions.


Testing your Wallet Payment Integration

Wallet Payment Scenarios (via Web SDK Integration):

For more information see, Testing your Wallet Payment Integration.