Codes and Descriptions
Codes for:
Each Card Type has its own unique ID.
ID | Card Type |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Visa |
2 | Mastercard |
3 | Visa Electron |
4 | Switch |
5 | Solo |
6 | Laser |
7 | China Union Pay |
8 | Amex |
9 | JCB |
10 | Maestro |
11 | Visa Debit |
12 | Mastercard Debit |
13 | Visa Purchasing |
14 | Discover |
15 | Carnet |
16 | Carte Bancaire |
17 | Diners Club International |
18 | ELO |
19 | Farmers cards |
20 | Soriana |
21 | Private Label Card |
22 | Q Card |
23 | Style |
24 | True Rewards |
25 | UATP |
26 | Bankard |
27 | Banamex costco |
ID | Card Type |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Visa |
2 | Mastercard |
7 | China Union Pay |
8 | Amex |
9 | JCB |
10 | Maestro |
13 | Diners Club |
14 | Discover |
There are three types of error, each having their own response structure:
The model and processing error response provides you with the error code and information on why the transaction request failed Judopay's validation checks, and what is needed to resolve the error.
A model error occurs when the transaction request fails Judopay's validation of the fields in the request model. This could be an incorrect field value, or the field has been incorrectly formatted.
For example:
- Missing cv2
- Incorrect cardNumber / expiryDate
- Incorrect number of characters
Example model error response structure:
You can also receive more than one model error in a response. The example below details a list of errors, each corresponding to a particular field in the request:
A processing error occurs when the transaction request fails Judopay's account configuration and permissions validation, there is missing information in the request, or the request is stopped because of the transaction's risk rule score.
Some processing errors are associated with authentication errors.
A processing error may require a change in your account's configuration and permissions, or your business requirements / business logic needs to be reflected in your payment flow.
For example, the following may not have been set up to reflect your business logic on your account:
- Token and Secret permissions (API credentials):
- Enforce risk rules
- Enforce AVS checks
- Enforce cv2 checks
- judoId configurations:
- Currencies
- Card schemes
- Payment methods
- Routing
To update your account configurations and permissions, contact Customer Support.
For more information on permissions, see Important to Consider When Integrating your App.
Example processing error response structure:
The transaction request has passed all Judopay's validation checks. The next step in the payment flow is for the gateway to perform their checks.
A gateway error occurs when for example, the gateway verifies the request details with the issuing bank, who declines the request as there are not enough funds in the account.
This response contains the receiptId.
The gateway error response structure follows the same structure as a successful transaction response.
Example gateway error response structure:
The Judopay Transaction API uses the following error codes:
Code | Description |
0 | Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again later. |
1 | Sorry, we're unable to process your request. Please check your details and try again. |
7 | Sorry, we were unable to authorize this request. Please check your details and permissions before trying again. |
9 | Sorry, we were unable to process your payment. Please try again later. |
11 | Sorry, we were unable to process your payment at this time. Your card has not been charged. |
12 | Sorry, we were unable to process your payment. Please check your details and try again. |
19 | Sorry, but the transaction specified was not found. |
21 | Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again later. |
22 | Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again later. |
23 | Please ensure your 'From' date is in dd/mm/yyyy format. |
24 | Please ensure your 'To' date is in dd/mm/yyyy format. |
25 | We were unable to find the webpayment identified by this reference. |
27 | This endpoint is not available as the Api-Version requested is too low. |
28 | This endpoint is not available as it has been deprecated for the Api-Version requested. |
39 | API-Version not supported. |
40 | Sorry, but the API version you are targeting is invalid. Please review this and try again. |
41 | Sorry, but the API-Version is missing from your header. Please check your details and try again. |
42 | Sorry, it looks like the PreAuth you are referencing has expired. |
43 | Sorry, it looks like you're trying to make a collection on an invalid transaction type. Collections can only be performed on PreAuths. |
45 | Sorry, this transaction has been voided. You cannot perform a collection on a voided transaction. |
46 | Sorry, but the amount you're trying to collect is greater than the pre-auth. |
47 | Sorry, but it looks like the transaction you are trying to refund is invalid. Refunds can only be performed on Sales and Collections. |
48 | Sorry, this transaction has been voided. You cannot perform a refund on a voided transaction. |
49 | Sorry, but the amount you're trying to refund is greater than the original transaction. |
50 | Sorry, but it looks like the original transaction you're specifying is an invalid type for the request you're trying to perform. |
51 | Sorry, but it looks like the transaction you are trying to void has already been voided. |
52 | Sorry, but it looks like the transaction you are trying to void has already been collected. |
53 | Sorry, but it looks like the void you are trying to process is for a different amount than the original preauth. |
54 | Sorry, but we are currently unable to accept payments to this account. Please contact customer services. |
55 | Sorry, we're unable to find the judo ID specified. Please confirm your judo ID and try again. |
56 | Sorry, but the transaction specified was not found. Please check your details and try again. |
57 | Sorry, but there was no consumer found for the transaction specified. Please check your details and try again. |
58 | Sorry, but this transaction does not require 3D-Secure authorization. Please check you're sending authorization to the correct transaction. |
59 | Sorry, but it looks like this transaction has already been authorised via 3D-Secure. |
60 | 3D-Secure was not successful for this transaction. |
61 | We've been unable to decrypt the supplied Apple Pay token. Please check your API client configuration in the dashboard. |
62 | Sorry, we were unable to find the transaction you have referenced in your request. |
63 | Sorry, but the transaction you are referencing was not successful. |
64 | Sorry, but it looks like you're using a test card. Only real cards are valid in this environment. |
65 | Sorry, but the collection request you've specified is not valid. Please check your details and try again. |
66 | Sorry, but we were unable to find your original transaction to refund. Please check your details and try again. |
67 | Sorry, but your refund request was not valid. Please check that the original transaction was a Sale or Collection, has not previously been refunded, was not for a lesser amount than your refund request. |
68 | Sorry, but your void request is not valid. Please check your details and try again. |
69 | Our server encountered a problem when processing your transaction. |
70 | Sorry, but it looks like the card token specified is not valid. Please check your details and try again. |
71 | Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again later. |
72 | Sorry, we're currently unable to route this transaction. Please check your account details and try again. If this issue persists, please contact customer services. |
73 | Sorry, but this card type is not currently supported on this account. |
74 | The CV2 entered is invalid. |
76 | Sorry, but it appears the web payment reference you've specified is not valid. |
77 | Judo id not found, please check the judo id. |
78 | Sorry, but you are attempting to register a card with an incorrect transaction type. Please check your details and try again. |
79 | Sorry, but it looks you're trying to register this card with an invalid amount. Please check the amount of your request and try again. |
80 | Sorry, but the content-type was not specified or is currently unsupported. Currently only application/json is supported. |
81 | Sorry, we encountered an error while authenticating your request. Please check your authentication details and try again. If this issue continues, please contact customer services. |
82 | Sorry, the transaction you've specified has not been found. Please check your details and try again. |
84 | Sorry, it looks like permissions are not enabled to perform this request. Application permissions can be configured in the judo Dashboard. |
85 | The content-type was not specified or is unsupported for the request made to the Judopay API. Currently supported content-type is limited to application/json. |
86 | Sorry, this payment has been stopped as it is a duplicate transaction. |
140 | Something went wrong encrypting card details. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please try again later. |
150 | We've been unable to decrypt the supplied Encrypted payload. Please ensure the message has not been modified. |
151 | The encrypted blob is for another account. |
152 | Something went wrong retrieving card details. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please try again later. |
153 | The one time token is not valid. It could have expired. Please try again. |
154 | Your provided consumer reference is incorrect, please check your details and try again. |
155 | Sorry, but the Web Payment expiry date must be in the future. |
156 | Sorry, but the Web Payment expiry date must be within a year. |
157 | Sorry, the card authentication attempt was unsuccessful. |
158 | Sorry, but your card authentication has failed. |
159 | Sorry, but your card authentication attempt was rejected by the issuer. |
160 | Sorry, but we were unable to authenticate your card. Please check your details and try again. |
161 | Sorry, but the card expiry date must be in the future. |
162 | Sorry, but the card expiry date must be in the future. |
163 | Sorry, but the expiry date must be within 6 months in the past. |
164 | Unable to process transaction. Device is not recognised by 3DS Server. |
165 | Unable to process transaction. Card authentication failed with 3DS Server. |
166 | Unable to process transaction. No record of card number found by 3DS Server. |
167 | Unable to process transaction. Suspected fraudulent transaction indicated by 3DS Server. |
168 | Unable to process transaction. ACS authentication request has timed out. Please try again. |
169 | Unable to process transaction. Too many challenge attempts. |
171 | Unable to process transaction. Security failure indicated by 3DS Server. |
172 | Unable to access the Click To Pay decryption service, please try again later. |
173 | Unable to decrypt the Click To Pay payload. |
174 | We could not complete the Click To Pay transaction as some information is missing. |
175 | Card not enrolled for 3D Secure 2. |
176 | Status update only allowed for open payment sessions. Please refer to Judo API documentation for more details. |
177 | Authentication was attempted but failed due to Issuer response. |
178 | Authentication was attempted but failed as the card holder is not enrolled for 3D Secure 2. |
179 | Unable to authenticate transaction as card number is not recognised by the Issuer. Please try again with a different card. |
180 | Unable to authenticate transaction as device is not supported. |
181 | Unable to authenticate as this is an invalid transaction. |
182 | Unable to authenticate transaction as card authentication has failed. |
183 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer due to suspected fraud. |
184 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer due to invalid transaction. |
185 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as card authentication has failed. |
186 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as card used is flagged as stolen. |
187 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as the card holder is not permitted to perform this transaction. |
188 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as card number is not recognised. Please try again with a different card. |
191 | This field is used to return Issuer-specific messages to the cardholder. The exact content of this message differs per Issuer. |
192 | Unable to process transaction. Please contact your issuing bank. |
193 | Unable to process transaction as the card holder is not enrolled for 3D Secure 2. |
194 | Unable to process transaction. Too many authentication attempts. |
195 | Unable to process transaction as the card has expired. Please try again with a different card. |
196 | Unable to process transaction as the card number is invalid. Please try again with a different card. |
197 | Unable to process transaction as this is an invalid transaction. |
198 | Unable to process transaction. Please contact your issuing bank. |
199 | Unable to process transaction. Please contact your issuing bank. |
210 | Unable to process transaction. Please contact your issuing bank. |
211 | Unable to process transaction as card used is flagged as stolen. |
212 | Unable to process transaction as device is not supported. |
213 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as the card holder is not enrolled for 3D Secure 2. |
214 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as the card has expired. Please try again with a different card. |
215 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer as the card number is invalid. Please try again with a different card. |
216 | Authentication rejected by the Issuer. Security failure indicated by 3DS Server. |
217 | Unable to authenticate transaction. Please contact your issuing bank. |
218 | Unable to authenticate transaction. Please contact your issuing bank. |
219 | Unable to authenticate transaction. Security failure indicated by 3DS Server. |
220 | Authentication was attempted but failed due to Issuer response. |
400 | We've been unable to decrypt the supplied Android Pay wallet. Please confirm the public key in your app and check your API client configuration in the dashboard. |
403 | Sorry, but we were unable to authenticate your request. Please check your details and try again. |
404 | Sorry, but the requested resource was not found. Please check your details and try again. |
472 | Missing account configuration details. Please contact the onboarding team to update your account. |
601 | Unable to decrypt the Google Pay payload. |
602 | Unable to access the Google Pay decryption service, please try again later. |
603 | Non-tokenized Google Pay cards not supported. Please verify the card can be tokenized for contactless Google Pay payments. |
| Sorry, but the ApplicationModel must not be null. Please check your details and try again. |
20001 | Sorry, but the Application Reference must not be null. Please check your details and try again. |
20002 | Sorry, but this application has already gone live and cannot be updated via this endpoint. |
20003 | Sorry, but the product selection is missing. Please check your details and try again. |
20004 | Sorry, but this application has already gone live and cannot be updated via this endpoint. |
20005 | Sorry, but you have not set your Api Application Rec ID. |
20006 | Sorry, but this request is not formatted correctly. Please review your request and try again. |
20010 | Sorry, but the Application Reference must not be empty. Please supply a reference and try again. |
20011 | Sorry, but an application with the Application Reference supplied was not found. Please check your details and try again. |
20013 | Sorry, but you have not specified a sort type. Valid sort types include time-descending and time-ascending. |
20014 | Sorry, but the page size needs to include at least one record per page. |
20015 | Sorry, but the page size is currently limited to 500 or less. |
20016 | Sorry, but the offset supplied needs to be greater than zero. |
20017 | Sorry, but the Merchant ID supplied was not found. Please check your details and try again. |
20018 | Sorry, but the Merchant ID supplied was not found. Please check your details and try again. |
20021 | We're unable to parse this document, please ensure it conforms to our API requirements and then try again. |
20022 | Sorry, something went wrong, please check your authentication details and judo, then try again. |
20023 | To create a web payment, you'll need to perform a POST to the URL. |
20026 | The receipt ID specified is not valid for the request you are attempting. |
20028 | Permanent Lockout - We detected suspicious activity on this account and have locked it for your protection. Please contact our customer service team on 0203 503 600 to unlock your account. |
667003 | WebPayment reference is invalid. |
667004 | JudoId not found, please check the judo id. |
667005 | This account is currently unable to accept payments. Please contact customer services. |