Deprecated Integration Methods
PayByBankApp payment method for React Native is no longer supported and will no longer be updated.
To display the PayByBankApp as a Payment Method for ReactNative:
- Create a JudoPBBAConfiguration:
Parameter | Description |
mobileNumber String | Consumer's mobile number. Sent with the transaction as an additional parameter. |
emailAddress String | Consumer's email address. Sent with the transaction as an additional parameter. |
appearsOnStatement String | Sent with the transaction as an additional parameter. |
deeplinkScheme String | Used in the deeplinking process to identify your app. |
deeplinkURL String | Specifies the app has opened as result of a redirect from the Bank App. The deeplink URL contains the information needed to start polling the transaction status. |
When the consumer invokes the PaybyBankApp transaction, in order to complete the transaction, the app redirects to the user's bank app. When the interaction is finished, the bank app redirects back to your app via the deeplinkScheme sending a deeplinkURL.
The deeplink scheme has to be set manually for iOS and Android, via the Info.plist (iOS) and the AndroidManifest.xml (Android).
The deeplinkURL can be used to start polling the transaction status. The deeplink events can be captured with the linking package already built in ReactNative.
Check the ReactNative sample app for the implementation reference.
Once you have captured the deeplinkURL, pass it to the deeplinkURL parameter of the JudoPBBAConfiguration. If this parameter is set once the invokePayByBankApp is called, the polling process should automatically start.
Not using the Mobile SDK Payments Widget?
To Integrate directly to your app:
- Instead of calling invokePayByBankApp:
- Add the branded PaybyBankApp button
- Add the method as a button press action
- Expose the PaybyBankApp button as follows:
Although, the JudoPBBAButton is referred to as a button, it does not handle button-related events, such as onPress. The JudoPBBAButton will need to be wrapped in a component that handles touch events, for example the TouchableOpacity component.
Xamarin SDK has been deprecated and will no longer be updated.
- You have set up your Judopay account.
- Sign up for your sandbox account, to receive access to your Judopay dashboard and the sandbox environment.
- Your judoIds and tokens are configured and enabled as appropriate.
- For more information on permissions, see Permissions.
- You have the latest version of the Android SDK.
- For more details, see Integrating Android with Judopay.
- You have the latest version of the iOS SDK.
- For more details, see Integrating iOS with Judopay.
For Mobile apps, we recommend using payment session authentication.
Integration Requirements:
- Xamarin Studio 6.1 / Visual Studio 2015
- Xamarin Forms
- Xcode 8
- Android 7.0 (API 24) SDK and build tools 24.0.3 installed
- The SDK is compatible with Android Jelly Bean (4.1) and above and iOS 8 and above.
Integrate Judopay into your project by visiting the Xamarin component store:
- Search for Judopay
- Add the component to your Android and iOS projects
Setting up Xamarin Ensure all integration steps are completed.
Add your app’s sandbox token and secret to your Judo instance in your Xamarin Forms page:
Add additional configuration depending on the project you are integrating, as follows:
Due to a bug in Xamarin.Forms the page does not resize correctly when the keyboard is visible.
An additional piece of code must be added to your Android Activity: Add the code snippet after the Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init method call inside the OnCreate method of your Activity:
Going Live with Xamarin
You will need to have tested your app in the sandbox environment before going live. Point to the Live Environment Within your app’s Xamarin Forms page change the line specifying the targeted environment from SANDBOX to LIVE:
Environment = JudoEnvironment.Live,
Replace your sandbox API Token and Secret for the live API Token and Secret
Find these in JudopayPortal > Your apps > {app name} > Live Tokens Use the live environment for testing before deploying your app.
PayByBankApp payment method is no longer supported and will no longer be updated.
PayByBankApp is a new, easy and secure alternative payment method, that enables your consumers to pay online quickly and securely via their trusted mobile Bank app.
PayByBankApp facilitates the enablement of consumers using bank transfers to easily pay for goods and services online.
Without the need to enter card details or additional passwords every time a purchase is made, it is designed to simplify the checkout experience, giving consumers more control and visibility of their finances when making a purchase.
The consumer's journey on a mobile app, when selecting the PayByBankApp button:
Features of PayByBankApp:
- Strong authentication.
- PSD2 Compliant - Meeting the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Requirements.
- Increased Consumer Trust - Existing bank brands are known to the consumer.
- Works through the consumer’s existing Bank app.
- Merchant Liability Shifted to the Issuer:
- All transactions are authenticated via the consumers Bank app, so all liability is shifted away from the merchant to the issuing bank.
- Everything is tokenised:
- The merchant, Judopay and the distributor does not have any bank details of the consumer.
Your consumers:
- Can check their balances in real time.
- Choose which account to pay from.
- No need to enter card details, or any additional passwords.
- Can see money move from their account in seconds.
- Stay secure with payment authorisation taking place in their Bank app.
- Consumers will be auto-enrolled when their online Bank app is installed.
If a consumer uses PayByBankApp with more than one Bank app on their phone, they will get the choice of which Bank app to open at the point of purchase, with the choice of setting their default option.
Once the consumer clicks the PayByBankApp button, they will be taken to their Bank app to complete the payment.
PayByBankApp payment method is no longer supported and will no longer be updated.
To add the PayByBankApp button:
For the PayByBankApp button to appear in the Payments Widget, a banking app must already be installed.
The PayByBankApp Button is displayed:
To display the PayByBankApp as a Payment Method for Android:
Not using the Mobile SDK Payments Widget?
To Integrate directly to your app:
PayByBankApp payment method is no longer supported and will no longer be updated.
Integrating PayByBankApp using the Payments Widget for iOS
Displaying PayByBankApp as a Payment Method for iOS
To display the PayByBankApp as a Payment Method for iOS:
Not using the Mobile SDK Payments Widget?
To Integrate directly to your app:
- You have set your app's URL Scheme.
- You have added zapp to the ApplicationQueriesSchemes:
An example of the Info.plist file:
Step 1: Initialising the SDK
To integrate with the Judopay SDK directly to your iOS app, you can use either a:
- basic authorization
- session authorization
You can select the sandbox mode for testing purposes. Set the value:isSandboxed = true
Step 2: Check for Installed Bank Apps
To ensure a good customer experience, it is recommended to only display the PayByBankApp button when the consumer has a compatible mobile Banking app.
Before adding the PayByBankApp button in Step 3, check if any compatible PayByBankApp Bank apps are installed, using the JudoKit isBankingAppAvailable method:
Step 3: Adding the PayByBankApp Button
We recommend you use the branded button to invoke a PayByBankApp transaction, however it is not mandatory.
The PayByBankApp Button uses the delegate property. The delegate property points to any class that implements the JPPBBAButtonDelegate interface:
The JPBBAButton is a subclass of UIView, not UIButton. Take this into consideration when integrating the PayByBankApp button via the Interface Builder.
The JPPBBAButtonDelegate interface has only one method: pbbaButtonDidPress(sender:), which is responsible for handling the button tap action.
Recommended PayByBankApp Button Size:
- Minimum: Width 160pt | Height 40pt
- Maximum: Width 310pt | Height 48pt
Step 4: Adding the Delegate Method
The delegate method is responsible for the button tap action.
To add the delegate method:
- Call the invokePBBA method in the Judopay SDK and provide the required configuration parameters:
- Each Judopay transaction takes a JPConfiguration instance as a parameter.The configuration object sets up all the required parameters for a successful transaction. It also sets any optional parameters which you can configure to personalise the payment flow.
- PayByBankApp transactions require some extra parameters to be set up, in addition to the basic transaction configuration. These optional parameters are defined in the JPPBBAConfiguration class, and used to add additional information to the transaction. The following two parameters are recommended:
- deeplinkScheme
- deeplinkURL
- Call the invokePBBA method from the Judopay SDK.
The PayByBankApp flow will be triggered, opening the Bank app for consumers to make their transactions.
A deeplinkScheme identifies your app during the redirect process. When a consumer has completed their transaction using their bank app, the bank app will attempt to redirect the consumer back to your app.
The deeplinkScheme name should match the URL scheme defined in the Info.plist file. For example: myapp -> myapp:/
The deeplinkURL
The deeplink URL enables the app to open the consumer's mobile Banking app, so they can complete the transaction.
When the Bank app redirects the consumer back to your app, it also provides you with a URL that you can use to poll the transaction status.
Add the deeplinkURL to the main configuration object. This will be sent as a parameter to the transaction method.
It is a good idea to handle the errors within this step.
The most important information from the response is the orderId, accessed via response.orderDetails.orderId.
The orderId is used to manually check the transaction status.
Step 5: Handling the deeplinkURL
Following the completed transaction, the bank flow will be triggered when the invokePBBA method is called, even if the deeplinkURL parameter is not provided.
However, if the deeplinkURL parameter is provided, calling invokePBBA will trigger the transaction status polling logic.
To handle the deeplinkURL:
- Listen to this event.
- Capture the redirect URL.
To capture the redirect URL:
- In your AppDelegate file, add the following methods:
- application(_:open:options:)
- application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
Pass the URL to the JPPBBAConfiguration instance. For the purpose of this exercise, the deeplinkURL is saved in the app's UserDefaults. You can save the deeplinkURL in the Keychain or any alternative.
Step 6: Polling the Transaction Status
Once the Bank app has redirected the consumer back to your app, you can start polling the transaction status.
To start the PayByBankApp polling status:
- Add the deeplinkURL to the configuration
Call the invokePBBA(configuration:) method:
In the JPResponse object, you can inspect the orderDetails containing information about the transaction status.
Another option is to put a check in your viewDidAppear(animated:) method. If a deeplinkURL is set up, add it to the configuration and call the invokePBBA(configuration:) method again. This will start the polling status.
Manually Checking the Transaction Status
There may be cases where the Bank app closes before the transaction flow completes. This would mean the deeplinkURL is not returned and the polling process to check the transaction status will not begin.
To manually check the transaction status:
- Invoke a manual order status request:
- Get the orderId from the initial request:
When the Bank app is invoked during the PayByBankApp request, (Step 4) the orderId is captured from the callback response:
Use the orderId to manually check the transaction status: You would do this in the same way as Initialising the Judopay SDK, see Step 1: Initialising the SDK.
Call the invokeOrderStatus method, with the orderId:
The response will contain both the transaction status, and the order details of the transaction.
For a sample app, see Judopay's Judokit for iOS on Github.
Following 3D Secure 1 no longer being supported, the test cards used for 3D Secure 1 flows have been deprecated.
Card Type | Card Name | Card Number | Expiry Date | Start Date | CV2 | Address |
Visa | Geoff Wayne | 4976 3500 0000 6891 | 12/25
| 11/20 | 341 | 113 Broad Street West, Oldpine, Strongbarrow SB42 1SX |
Visa | James Marshall
| 4921 8100 0000 1909
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 642 | 109 Church Street South, Morcoast, Sagebridge SB1 5JZ |
Maestro | Anthony Walker
| 6759 0000 0000 1909
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 784 | 100 Clark Street, Millkeep, Brightburn BB31 2BH |
Mastercard | Jon Robb | 5100 0000 0000 1907 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 654 | 9 Fawn Lane, Edgenesse, Havenfield HF15 8DW |
Electron | Timothy Taylor | 4508 7500 0000 1908
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 159 | 79 Main Street North, Woodhedge, Dorley DO67 9WN |
Visa Purchasing | Ray Sheen | 4001 6506 1790 7186
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 534 | 34 Meadow Lane, Esterbourne, Whitemallow WM10 9RL |
Amex | Mark Dalton | 3400 0006 1790 712 | 12/25
| 11/20
| 5464 | 45 West Street, Silverpond, Faircastle, FC3 1LX |
JCB | Shirley Anderson | 3528 0006 1790 7180 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 642 | 79 Lexington Court, Merrowhaven, Ironelf IE13 4RY |
Card Type | Card Name | Card Number | Expiry Date | Start Date | CV2 | Address |
Visa | Kirsty Catlin | 4282 7300 0000 2397
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 985 | 30 Edgewood Drive, Marbledale, Riverwick RW8 4BZ |
Visa | Fiona Gates
| 4921810000008011 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 857 | 3 Windsor Drive, Westerwood, Aldpond AP10 4AY |
Maestro | John Askwith | 6759000000008011 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 078 | 28 Bank Street, Blacknesse, Winterhall WH2 7XN |
Mastercard | Graeme Brown | 5100000000008019 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 871 | 46 Holly Drive, Eastrock, Fairston FS61 4TH |
Electron | Victoria Bury | 4508750000008010 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 656 | 15 Canterbury Road, Fayhollow, Glassrose GR6 1UA |
Visa Purchasing | James O’Hara
| 4001651463041773
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 664 | 141 Grant Street, Valvale, Valfort VF5 4BT |
Amex | Damon Corrigan | 340000146304174 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 2445 | 48 Pheasant Run, Castlehaven, Springmage SM4 4BL |
JCB | Philip Ramsey | 3528001463041777 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 724 | 78 Creek Road, Morbridge, Summerwynn SW5 2QA |
Card Type | Card Name | Card Number | Expiry Date | Start Date | CV2 | Address |
Visa | Julie Bean | 4104710000005315 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 487 | 84 Chestnut Street, Butterby, Shoremere SM10 4RR |
Visa | Nigel Munroe | 4921810000000471 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 874 | 55 Somerset Drive, Swynbourne, Fallcastle FC9 1ND |
Maestro | Alice Shouler | 6759000000000471 | 12/25 | 11/20
| 679
| 76 Ridge Road, Vertwick, Wayston WS5 3HQ |
Mastercard | Harry Boot | 5100000000000479
| 12/25 | 11/20 | 555 | 64 Olive Street, Spellfort, Snowwyn SW16 9AD |
Electron | Philippa Waye | 4508750000000470 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 784 | 100 Magnolia Avenue, Cliffhall, Highshore HS15 1AE |
Visa Purchasing | Heston Gibbs | 4001653139120510 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 289 | 45 Garfield Avenue, Brightholt, Estercrystal EC2 6UT |
Amex | Hugh Lowe
| 340000041582957
| 12/25
| 11/20
| 2465
| 35 Highland Avenue, Summerham, Ashview AV15 0QX |
JCB | Annette Irons | 3528003139120514 | 12/25 | 11/20 | 232 | 45 Bridge Street, Springwyn, Maplehedge MH3 5UZ |
Creating a payment using a OneUseToken has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. See, Authentication Methods.
The earlier version of Judopay's Web SDK was also previously known as JudoAdditions. JudoAdditions has been deprecated, however we have made it a simple implementation for you to upgrade and integrate 3D Secure 2 within your payment flow, using the latest version of our Web SDK.
For more details, see Creating a 3D Secure 2 Payment with the Web SDK.
Web SDK Version 0.0.29 (and higher) fully supports 3D Secure 1 and 3D Secure 2 flows. No additional support is required, the SDK does the rest.
Use Judopay's Web SDK to create a payment using a One Use Token.
The one-use token is a different field to the cardtoken. The one-use token does not authorise any transactions but generates a oneTimeUse token for you to issue a payment request to our API endpoints, or to use our Server SDKs to request payment.
To create a one-use token:
- Your consumer clicks the Pay button on your website.
- Use your JudoPay instance to generate a one-use token from the card details fields: judo.createToken(payment);
- An encrypted Payload is generated (Judopay will decrypt the payload).
- The one-use token will be valid for 30 minutes .
- You will need to include the one-use token as part of an encrypted card model instance.
Using your Judopay API client instance:
Create a RegisterEncryptedCardModel to save the consumer's card to Judopay’s card vault:
The response will include a card token, which does not expire.
The card token can be used in a TokenPaymentModel for the next transaction.
Using your Judopay API client instance, create a OneTimePaymentCardModel and immediately process a payment with the one-use token.
The response includes a card token:
Save the card token for the next transaction
If 3D Secure is enabled, the response message = Requires 3D Secure
All fields required to run the 3D Secure check will be available in the receipt:
- acsUrl
- md
- paReq
To complete the transaction the 3D Secure form needs to be displayed to the consumer.
This can be achieved in any of the following ways:
- a redirect
- pop-up window
- iframe
Handling 3D Secure 1.0 payment flows has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. See, Creating a Payment with the Web SDK.
The following guide is a full working example for use with Judopay's Web SDK, including how to handle 3D Secure Version 1.0 payment flows.
Judopay's Web SDK requires some additional processing steps, in order to achieve a successful 3D Secure version 1.0 transaction.
This guide assumes the following prerequisites:
- You are already using Judopay's Web SDK to process standard payments.
- You have a Judopay Sandbox Account to process test transactions while developing your app.
Payment Flow - 3D Secure 1.0
Customise and Create the iFrame to present a Pay Button. The Web SDK Pay Button is clicked. var paymentPromise = judo.createToken(payment);
A oneUseToken is sent to the merchant's server for processing the payment request. Use any method you desire to send the token to your back end server to process the request.
Merchant's server sends the payment request to Judopay's servers for processing. Use any method you desire to send the payment request to Judopay. Judopay has 3 available methods:
- Direct API Rest calls
Merchant's front end javascript, receives the result sent back to the merchant's server via Judopay.
Merchant's front end redirects the consumer to:
- Issuer Service ACS URL
with the supplied fields including the return URL, for the Issuer to return the 3D Secure result. The following parameters are case sensitive. If you do not post these explicitly as indicated below to the acsURL, they will fail.
- acsURL : The URL to redirect to. Received from step 5.
- MD : The md received from step 5.
- PaReq : The PaReq received from step 5.
- TermUrl : the return URL the Issuer 3DS service sends the result back to.
Example TermURL: =’ + receiptID The reason to include the receiptID in your TermURL, is so that upon returning from the Issuer's 3D Secure service, you are given the receipt ID in the URL header which you can receive back. You will need this to complete the transaction. The values above should be POSTED to the acsURL.
The Issuer's 3D Secure service will return a result of the 3D Secure attempt, from the consumer to the TermURL. You will receive the following back from the Issuer Service:
- POSTed Variable : PaRes
- POSTed Variable : MD
- A URL variable in your TermURL of the receiptId.
Your TermURL should submit these values to our API for payment processing. PHP Sample PUT to Judopay's API endpoint using Curl:
Judopay's servers will return either:
- a receipt Object with the state of the transaction.
- an error state with details of the error.
Example Receipt Object for a Success:
Depending on the state received from the receipt object, the merchant can display a success, decline or failure message.
To customise and create the Judopay Web SDK iframe:
- Add the code snippet in your web page <HEAD>: script src=""></script>
- This example will use jQuery for a promise, so include the following in your web page <HEAD> : script src=""></script>
- In your <BODY> add a <DIV> tag where you want the iframe to appear: div id="payment-iframe" width="100%"></div>
This example uses the id: payment-frame. You can use whatever id you wish.
4. In your add a tag where you want the errors in form entry to appear. For the purpose of this exercise, the class is named judopay-errors, and sets a style to be red.
- You can add any custom style you wish in your .CSS file.
- div class="judopay-errors" style="color:red">Error Location</div>
5. In your <BODY> add a button call: submit-payment-button for the iframe submission to Judopay.
6. Set this to disabled. The iframe will enable it when the input is valid.
7. You can apply any CSS styling you wish to this button. <button id="submit-payment-button" name="submit-payment" disabled> Pay Now </button>
8. In your <BODY> add the following script for a minimum iframe.
9. This example names this style configMinimum which is used when calling the iframe:
For the purpose of this exercise, this sample config sets the following options for the iframe:
- Default language will be English “en”
- iframe error field location set to “judopay-errors” as set in (4) above
- Card Icons will display when the card entry is recognised
- iframe Background Colour is White “#FFFFFF”
- iframe layout set to compact
- iframe accepts Credit Card Entry “[‘CARD’]”
- iframe does not show Post Code entry
- iframe Errors will not display under the fields
- iframe will underline the fields and highlight during entry
Create the iframe in a <SCRIPT> tag:
10. Alter yourAPIToken to match your Sandbox API Token.
11. ‘true’ lets the iframe know it’s running on sandbox. Set this to ‘false’ when you wish to go live and use a ‘live’ API Token.
12. ‘payment-iframe’ is where the iframe will load as defined in step (3) above.
13. ‘configMinimum’ uses the style called configMinimum as defined in step (5(a)) above.
Once you have an established Judopay Web SDK iframe and after the consumer has entered valid card details (the iframe handles the validation and errors of this entry), on clicking the Pay Now button (submit-payment-button) you will obtain a promise from Judopay's servers which will return a oneUseToken for use within 30 minutes to transact the payment.
This is a happy path example, and you should enhance this code with try / catch surrounds.
The following script:
- Adds an action to the payment button.
- Checks if the payment method is valid.
- Calls Judopay to obtain a oneUseToken.
- It then proceeds to validate the result as having received a oneUseToken.
To setup a payment promise on the Pay Now button:
This example expands on Step 2: Obtain the Payment Promise above, with the source code to handle the oneUseToken and then submit this to the merchant’s server.
- Insert this quote into the sample above.
- This sample jQuery calls a php file called handle3.php which will submit the request to Judo and return the result:
This example should be called handle3.php and is the receiving handler from the Step 3: A oneUseToken is sent to Merchant's Server section above.
This example:
- Receives a oneUseToken from the promise handler step.
- Submits a £1.00 payment request to Judopay for payment processing using API version 5.7.1
- Uses as the endpoint.
- For production use the production credentials (APIToken / APISecret) and the endpoint
- Will return the JSON response received from Judopay's Servers:
Change yourAPIToken:yourAPISecret for your API Token and your API Secret.
IMPORTANT: Do not omit the :
Change yourJudoId for your JudoID.
- Extend the handler from the Step 3: A oneUseToken is sent to Merchant's Server section, to handle the response.
This simple example just alerts a Success or Failure response:
Checks if the result returned from Judopay's servers = SUCCESS.
If Success: Alerts Payment Success with the receiptId.
If NOT Success: Alerts Payment Failed.
From the Handle the Response from Judopay's Servers section above, the $response will either be a:
- receiptobject or
- an ERROR
which you should handle accordingly. This example just echo’s the result from Judopay's Servers.
Example: Receipt Object for a Successful Transaction:
The source code from Step 5: Handle the Response from Judopay's Servers, will automatically submit the 3D Secure parameters to the required Issuer Service.
The consumer will be re-directed to the Issuer Service 3D Secure Challenge Screen:
If the consumer completes the 3D Secure challenge screen:
- The issuer service will POST a return encrypted result back to your termURL, as declared in Step 6: Re-Direct to the Issuer Service Challenge Screen,
If the consumer chooses to abandon at this stage, you will receive a no reply POST.
This example is the return3ds.php file as declared in the sample code from Step 5: Handle the Response from Judopay's Servers.
The following sample POSTs the returned 3D Secure response back to Judopay via an API call to the /transactions endpoint, with the given receiptId.
- receiptId is received from the termURL (Sent back from the Issuer 3D Secure Service).
- A simple check: If no receiptId is set = not proceed. It will just fail.
- Sets the JSON payload to send to Judopay's Servers.
- Replace: yourAPIToken:yourAPISecret with your Sandbox API Token and API Secret.
- Curl Options sets the endpoint to:
- For Sandbox:
- For Production change to: including the Production API Token and Production API Secret.
- This will complete or fail the transaction accordingly.
- The sample just echo’s the response received from Judopay's Servers (JSON Payload). The response will either be SUCCESS | DECLINED | ERROR
As a result of the receiptObject received in Step 5: Handle the Response from Judopay's Servers, you should redirect the consumer accordingly.
For example, if the result = SUCCESS redirect the consumer to the Success Page, else ERROR.
You can store any of the receiptObject details in your own back office systems for recall later.
You could store the:
- cardToken
- consumerToken
- cardDetails
against the consumer's record and offer a quick checkout option for future transactions.
Using those tokens bypasses the need to enter any card details if required.
Version 1 web payments integration has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. For version 2, see, Web Payments Set Up
To create a transaction request:
POST Request:
Response Reference - Version 1 Retrieve Judopay’s API response:
The reference example has an expiration time of 30 minutes. If the transaction is not completed within this time, the transaction will fail and the status = Expired.
Use webpayments/preauths to reserve funds on a consumer's account.
Preauths will postpone the completion of the transaction until the goods have been delivered or the service fulfilled.
To create a preauth request:
POST Request:
Response Reference - Version 1 Retrieve Judopay’s API response:
Version 2.1 is now deprecated.
For Mobile apps, it is recommended not to make a transaction from the app, as the Token and Secret could become compromised. Use the server to make the transaction. Create a Register Card app and enable the Register Card Transactions permission.
- Version 0.62+
- In your package.json file add under scripts section: postinstall": "node node_modules/judo-react-native/scripts/sample-app_postinstall.js node_modules/judo-react-native"
- Under the dependencies section add: judo-react-native": "file:../",In your root project folder run:sh rm yarn.lock && rm -rf node_modules yarn install
- Navigate to ios/folder and run: rm -rf Pods/ && rm Podfile.lock pod install
To run the Judopay React Native SDK:
token | secret | judoId | amount | currency = mandatory fields.
You will need to pass the judoOptions object each time you want to make a call to the JudoPay React Native SDK.
The response object will contain all data contained in JPTransactionData.h the same field is exposed in Android. e - error.
All error codes found in NSError+Judo.h are the same for Android.
For the payment methods UI to appear, pass the following 3 objects:
- paymentOptions
- applePayOptions
- googlePayOptions
Payment Options
Select one of the following constants:
You can call judoOptions and applePayOptions, the same as showPaymentMethods.
You can call judoOptions and googlePayOptions, the same as showPaymentMethods.
Wallet Configuration is now deprecated.
Configuring the Wallet
There are two environments for Google Pay™:
- Sandbox
- Production
Ensure you configure the Wallet to specify your payment environment.
This is reflected by the WalletConstants enum in the android wallet package:
Google Pay™ supports both tokenised and non-tokenised cards.
Tokenised: Google Pay™ generates a token which represents the card. Only this token is sent when making a payment. Your customer's card number does not leave Google Pay™.
For security reasons, Judopay only currently supports tokenised cards. Therefore you must configure your application to only support the tokenised card method.
This means any invalid cards will not appear as a payment option when your consumer tries to pay with your application.
In your checkout activity:
- Find the view / button to trigger the payment
- Add the request payment listener
The Google Pay sample application project has a sample view layout for a Google Pay button you can use (googlepay_button.xml) which follows the Google Pay style conventions.
Catch the payment result in your checkout activity:
The function below demonstrates how to handle the payment request returned from the intent, and send on the necessary tokenised card details to the Judopay API to be processed:
iOS Swift SDK has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. You will get the following warning when you submit your app to the Apple app store:"ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - App updates that use UIWebView will no longer be accepted as of December 2020. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. To integrate, see our new iOS SDK integration with Judopay.
If you haven’t chosen your integration method yet, begin by selecting your method and following the What to do next steps first.
Integrate simple and secure in-app card payments into your iOS Swift app with our Judopay SDK.
Judopay’s Out-of-the-box UI comes with built-in checks and security features, including real-time error detection, 3D Secure, data and address validation for frictionless card data capture.
This minimises PCI compliance and allows you focus on developing other areas of your app.
See our UI customisation guide to learn more.
Integration Requirements
- Versions of the SDK greater or equal to 6.2.5 require Xcode 8 and Swift 3.
- Version 6.2.4 is the last version to be support Xcode 7.3.1 and Swift 2.2.
Add the Swift SDK to the top of the file where you want to use it:
Install Cocoapods with the following command: $ gem install cocoapods
If you are not integrating using Cocoapods, please visit our guides for Carthage integration.
Add Judopay to your Podfile to integrate it into your Xcode project.
Install the new pod in your project: $ pod install
Please ensure that you always use the newly generated .xcworkspace file instead of the .xcodeproj file.
In Xcode, go to the Project Navigator called ‘Pods’, select the JudoKit target and open the tab called Build Phases.
Add a new Run Script Phase and drag it above the Compile Sources build phase.
Include the following line in the shell script: h "${PODS_ROOT}/DeviceDNA/Framework/"
Ruby Server SDK has been deprecated and will no longer be updated.
Easily handle simple and secure payments on your back-end with the Judopay Ruby server side SDK.
If you haven’t chosen your integration method yet, begin by selecting your method and following the What to do next steps first.
Integration Requirements
- Ruby 1.9.3 and above (including 2.0.x and 2.1.x).
- Add the following line to your application’s Gemfile: gem 'judopay'
- Once the Gemfile is set, then there are two options to finish the installation: Execute the following line: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install judopay
To start setting up your app, please complete all the relevant integration steps in the setup section. By following these steps, you are ensuring that your app will be secure and frictionless for you and your customers. When you have completed the setup, start using Judopay’s PHP SDK by adding your app’s token and secret when initialising the SDK:
Remember, if you perform payments only from your backend, you should only enable the Register Card Transactions permission for your app and create a separate app for your backend with only the Make Payments permission enabled.
Processing transactions with AmEx cards requires that your account supports it as well. Please contact us first if you are planning to accept AmEx.
The SDK allows further configuration: Logging: You will be able to attach a logger library to help you debug your Judopay integration.
- In the Judopay gem, find and change the production environment setting from ‘false’ to ‘true’.
- Replace your sandbox API token and secret for the live API token and secret in the corresponding lines.
- Both credentials are located in the dashboard, under the Your apps section.
- Follow our Access token and secret guide if you need help to find them.