Testing Apple Pay™ Wallet - via Mobile SDK
- Before you can process Apple Pay™ payments and preAuths with Judopay, you will need to set up your Apple Pay™ account to:
- Get your Merchant IDs.
Depending on your use case and app configurations, some of the following scenarios may not be relevant to you.
Follow our suggested guidelines to simulate positive / happy path scenarios, to test your integration is working correctly. This will give you confidence for when your integration goes live.
- For a successful end-to-end wallet payment testing journey, it is recommended to:
- Perform wallet test scenarios in a production environment
- Use live cards to process test payments and preAuths.
*These images are from our dummy app, your interface may look different.
Suggested Test Scenario
Process an Apple Pay™ wallet:
- payment
- preAuth
TIP: The app is using the payment / preAuth flow, which has been set up in the payment configuration object.
We suggest checking the following options have been configured correctly:
- Merchant Name
- Billing address phone no
- Shipping address
- Shipping address phone no
- Email address
For more information on configuring your app, see Configuring Apple Pay for iOS.
Expected Outcome
You will be directed to a successful transaction completed page. *

The below is a typical end user flow when making an Apple Pay™ wallet payment:

Suggested Test Scenario
Process a wallet:
- payment
- preAuth
request to test the Apple Pay™ payment method is correctly configured and supported.
TIP: Your Judopay account and your app have been configured to support the Apple Pay™ payment method.
Expected Outcome
The Buy with Apple Pay™ button will be displayed: *

To simulate a successful request, use live cards to process test payments and preAuths in a production environment.
The card will not be charged when processing test payments in a production environment.
For more information on integrating your iOS app, including calling the Mobile SDK functions see Integrating with Judopay.
Declines can occur for various reasons, it can be impossible to simulate all the negative flows. Depending on your use case and app configurations, some of the following scenarios may not be relevant to you.
Follow our suggested guidelines to simulate negative scenarios, to test your app’s error handling. This will give you confidence for when your integration goes live.
- How your app handles negative flows
- Your customer's experience should a negative flow occur:
- Logic to communicate error messages
- Customise how your app responds
- How to maintain application consistency
*These images are from our dummy app, your interface may look different.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario
To handle a decline scenario, attempt to perform a Apple Pay™ wallet:
- payment
- preAuth
request where the user cancels the payment.
Expected Error
Depending on how your app has been configured to respond, you may redirect the user to:
- their cart
- an error page displaying an error message