Testing Card PreAuths
These scenarios do not include 3D Secure 2 authentication testing. See Testing 3D Secure 2 Flows for 3D Secure 2 authentication testing for your app.
- yourPaymentReference is your unique reference for each transaction.
- When making token preauths, yourConsumerReference must match the original reference when the token was initially created.
Suggested Test Scenario | Expected Outcome | Tip |
Process a Card preAuth with the CV2/CVV security code included in the request. This will check the CV2/CVV is valid for that card. | 200 Successful | The CV2 field check will be performed during the transaction process. |
Process a Card preAuth without the CV2/CVV security code included in the request. | Declined | The CV2 field check will not be performed during the transaction process. |
Process a Card Token preAuth with the CV2/CVV security code included in the request. This will check the CV2/CVV and card token are valid and match the stored card details. | 200 Successful | The CV2 field check will be performed during the transaction process. When making token preauths, yourConsumerReference must match the original reference when the token was initially created. |
Process a Card Token preAuth without the CV2/CVV security code included in the request. | 200 Successful | The CV2 field check will not be performed during the transaction process. When making token preauths, yourConsumerReference must match the original reference when the token was initially created. |
Process a Card preAuth with the billing address information (cardAddress block) included in the request. This will validate the billing address is registered to that card. | 200 Successful | Ensure the cardAddress block has the correct fields:
Example cardAddress block: "cardAddress": {
"address1": "CardHolder House",
"address2": "1 CardHolder Street",
"town": "CardHolder Town",
"postCode": "AB1 2CD",
"countryCode": 826,
"state": "FL",
}, To validate the card is registered to the correct post code, ensure the following permission on your sandbox API Credentials is enabled:
The default setting = disabled. |
Process a Card preAuth without the billing address information (cardAddress block) included in the request. | 200 Successful | |
Process a Card Token preAuth with the billing address information (cardAddress block) included in the request. This will validate the billing address and card token are valid and match the stored card details. | 200 Successful | Ensure the cardAddress block has the correct fields:
Example cardAddress block: "cardAddress": {
"address1": "CardHolder House",
"address2": "1 CardHolder Street",
"town": "CardHolder Town",
"postCode": "AB1 2CD",
"countryCode": 826,
"state": "FL",
}, To validate the card is registered to the correct post code, ensure the following permission on your sandbox API Credentials is enabled:
The default setting = disabled. When making token preauths, yourConsumerReference must match the original reference when the token was initially created. |
Process a Card Token preAuth without the billing address information (cardAddress block) included in the request. | 200 Successful | When making token preauths, yourConsumerReference must match the original reference when the token was initially created. |
Process a Card preAuth using the different currencies you will be implementing on your app. | 200 Successful | If you do not provide a currency in the preauth request, the default value (GBP) will be sent. Ensure you have the correct currencies configured for your app. |
Process a Card preAuth for MCC 6012 merchants, with the primaryAccountDetails block included in the request. It is mandatory for merchants who have an MCC code of 6012 to submit additional Information about the primary account holder for payment pre-authorisation. For use by MCC 6012 merchants only. | 200 Successful | Ensure you send the primaryAccountDetails block in your request:
Example primaryAccountDetails block: "primaryAccountDetails": {
"name": "Smith",
"accountNumber": "1234567890",
"dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
"postCode": "AB1 2CD"
} |
For more information on API credentials and permissions, see Permissions.
To simulate a successful preAuth use the Test Cards.
Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions/preauths
Header Parameters:
Depending on how you integrate with Judopay, you can authenticate requests by:
- /paymentsession, or
- TokenSecretAuth
- The token and secret pair
For more information, see Authentication Methods.
Body Parameters:
Configuration Property Descriptions
If your request was successful, you will receive a code 200 and a receiptId. A receiptId is Judopay's unique reference for the transaction. It is used to process refunds or cancellations and to help us investigate any issues with the transaction.
Declines can occur for various reasons, it can be impossible to simulate all the negative flows in a sandbox environment.
- How your app handles negative flows
- Your customer's experience should a negative flow occur:
- Logic to communicate error messages
- Customise how your app responds
- How to maintain application consistency
To simulate an unsuccessful flow, use the following test card details:
Card Type | Card Name | Card Number | Expiry Date | Start Date | CV2 | Address |
Visa | Ian Lee | 4221690000004963 | 12/22 | 01/18 | 125 | 274 Grove Street, Rayvale, Vertland VT22 6JN |
Follow our suggested guidelines to simulate negative scenarios, to test your app’s error handling:
Suggested Negative Test Scenario | Expected Error Code | Error Description |
Attempt a preAuth with an invalid CV2 | 74 | The CV2 entered is invalid. |
Attempt a preAuth with a missing CV2. The sandbox token has CV2 enabled, the payment request has an empty CV2 field. | 31 | Sorry, you've not supplied the 3-digit card security code. Please check your details and try again. This is a model error. |
Attempt a preAuth with insufficient funds in the account. | Declined. | Card declined. |
Simulate an error resulting from invalid data: | | |
Attempt a preAuth with an incorrect card number entered. | 166 | Unable to process transaction. No record of card number found by 3DS Server. |
Attempt a preAuth with an invalid card expiry month = 14 | 161 | Sorry, but the card expiry date must be in the future. |
Attempt a preAuth using the Incorrect card token. | 70 | Sorry, but it looks like the card token specified is not valid. Please check your details and try again. |
Simulate an error resulting from incorrect API credentials: | | |
Attempt a preAuth using the Incorrect judoId. | 77 | Judo id not found, please check the judo id. |
Attempt a preAuth with the Incorrect currency entered for the specified transaction.
| 72 | Sorry, we're currently unable to route this transaction. Please check your account details and try again. If this issue persists, please contact customer services. This is a processing error. |
For a list of possible error codes, types and descriptions, seesee Error Codes and Descriptions.
Using the successful preAuth test transactions, you can test the following scenarios: