Testing GET Transactions
- Ensure the List All Transactions permission is enabled on your API credentials.
- There are no limits on date ranges.
- Queries for long date ranges may time out. We recommend you use short date ranges.
- The page size is currently limited to 500 or less.
- Retrieve details using a specific yourConsumerReference.
- Retrieve details using a specific yourPaymentReference.
- Retrieve details of a single transaction using the receiptId.
- Use the sandbox endpoint: .../transactions/{receiptId}
- You can query the following transaction types:
- payments
- preAuths
- refunds
- collections Use the sandbox endpoint: .../transactions/{transactionType}
Return a list of transactions within a given time frame, a specific consumer, or a specific payment:
Suggested Test Scenario | Expected Outcome | Tip |
Get a list of transactions, sorted in time-ascending order. | 200 Successful | Sort field. Values:
Default value: time-descending |
Get a list of transactions, sorted in time-descending order. | 200 Successful | Sort field. Values:
Default value: time-descending |
Get a list of 20 transactions. | 200 Successful | pageSize field. Values:
Default value: 10 Enter pageSize = 20 |
Get a list of transactions with a specific yourConsumerReference. | 200 Successful | Unique reference to anonymously identify your customer. Format:
Enter a specific yourConsumerReference in the yourConsumerReference field. |
Get a list of transactions with a specific yourPaymentReference. | 200 Successful | Your unique reference for this payment. Format:
Enter a specific yourPaymentReference in the yourPaymentReference field. |
Specify a date range and yourConsumerReference where there are no transactions based on that criteria. You will receive a successful response (displaying zero transactions). Ensure the null return is properly displayed for the consumer, and handle how your app responds to this specific scenario. | 200 Successful | {
"resultCount": 0,
"pageSize": 10,
"offset": 0,
"results": [],
"sort": "time-descending"
} |
Retrieve details of a single transaction using the receiptId:
Suggested Test Scenario | Expected Outcome | Tip |
Get the details of a transaction using the receiptId from a test:
| 200 Successful | Get the receiptId from the response of the initial:
Get the details of a transaction using the receiptId from a test:
| 200 Successful | Get the receiptId from the response of the initial:
Return a list of transactions of a transactionType associated with the given query:
Suggested Test Scenario | Expected Outcome | Tip |
Get a list of transactions with transactionType = preauths. | 200 Successful | Use the sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions/preauths |
Get a list of transactions with transactionType = refunds. | 200 Successful | Use the sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions/refunds |
Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions/{receiptId} Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/transactions/{transactionType}
HTTP Method: GET
Header Parameters:
Depending on how you integrate with Judopay, you can authenticate requests by:
- /paymentsession, or
- TokenSecretAuth
- The token and secret pair
For more information, see Authentication Methods.
Body Parameters:
Configuration Property Descriptions
Parameter | Description |
pageSize Integer | The number of records to display per page. Default value: 10 |
offset Integer | The (zero-based) index in the sorted list of records from which the results set will start. Default value: 0 |
sort String | Determines how the list is sorted. Values :
Default value: time-descending |
from String | Earliest date used to find transactions. Format:
to String | Latest date used to find transactions. Format:
yourConsumerReference String | If specified, the list of transactions will match this yourConsumerReference. |
yourPaymentReference String | If specified, the list of transactions will match this yourPaymentReference. |
receiptId String Required | Judopay’s reference, that identifies the transaction. Get the receiptId from the response of the initial request. |
Field and formatting errors can occur for various reasons, it can be impossible to simulate all the negative scenarios in a sandbox environment.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario | Expected Error Code | Error Description |
Attempt to retrieve a list of transactions where the List All Transactions permission is not enabled on your API credentials. | 84 | {
"message": "Sorry, it looks like permissions are not enabled to perform this request.
Application permissions can be configured in the judo Dashboard.",
"code": 84,
"category": 1
} |
Attempt to return the details of a single transaction using a receiptId that does not exist. | 82 | {
"message": "Sorry, the transaction you've specified has not been found.
Please check your details and try again.",
"code": 82,
"category": 2
} |
Attempt to return a list of 550 transactions. | 20015 | Sorry, but the page size is currently limited to 500 or less. |
For a list of possible error codes, types and descriptions, see Error Codes and Descriptions.