Testing Overview
Make sure you have the following set up prior to testing:
- You are using sandbox tokens in the sandbox environment.
- You are using test cards in the sandbox environment.
- Your judoIds and tokens are configured and enabled as appropriate.
You need your sandbox account so you can process test transactions while developing your app.
Test all your required payment types in the sandbox environment, using Test Cards to test your integration is working correctly. This will give you confidence for when your integration goes live.

Sandbox Environment.
See our Sandbox Explainer to get all you need to know on sandbox endpoints and tokens.

Test Cards.
Use the sample Test Cards and data in the sandbox to test your integration is working correctly.

Testing your Web Payments Integration.
Testing card payments for your Web Payments integration.

Testing your Web SDK Integration.
Testing card payments for your Web SDK integration.

Testing your Mobile SDK Integration.
Testing card payments for your Mobile SDK integration.
via API:

Apple Pay™ via API

Google Pay™ via API
via Web SDK:

Apple Pay™ via Web SDK

Google Pay™ via Web SDK
via Mobile SDK:

Apple Pay™ via Mobile SDK

Google Pay™ via Mobile SDK

Troubleshooting Common Errors
See our troubleshooting guide on common errors and how to quickly resolve them.
It is recommended to test all your required transaction flows in the live environment before releasing into production.
- Remove -sandbox from the URL.
- Replace your sandbox API Token and Secret for the live API Token and Secret.
For more information, see Go Live Checklist.