Testing your Mobile SDK Integration

Judopay’s Mobile SDK enables merchants to easily integrate and customise a seamless consumer checkout experience within their native mobile app, in line with the merchant’s brand.

Select from a menu of out-of-the-box payment components, that can be simply installed using the Mobile SDK.

Sensitive payment data is encrypted and transmitted on behalf of the merchant, meaning it does not touch the merchant’s server.


All of our Mobile SDKs come built-in with the following features:

  • Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance: 3D Secure

  • Device Data Collection

  • Mobile Payments Widget

  • Fraud Prevention Tools

  • Supports Alternative Payment Methods

For more information, see our Mobile SDKs:


Testing Card payments for your Mobile SDK integration:

Mobile SDK Scenarios:

Card Payments:


Digital Wallet Payments:


React Native testing scenarios coming soon.