Testing Web Payments - Card Payments
With Judopay’s Web Payments solution, the 3D Secure 2 flows are handled on your behalf.
- For example, you will not see the conditional device details check step, as this occurs in the background.
- It is useful to have an understanding of the full 3DS 2 payment flow, including the conditional steps, to verify how it relates to the user journey in your app. For more information, see Overview of the Frictionless and Challenge Flows.
- When processing live transactions, in order to minimise declines we recommend setting the challengeRequestIndicator to challangeAsMandate.
For checkCard requests, a challenge flow will always be forced, regardless of the challengeRequestIndicator flag setting.
The web payments card payment journey consists of the following steps:
- Select payment method
- Enter billing information (Optional)
- Enter card details
- Review and Confirm (Optional)
You can customise whether to display the billing information and the Review & Confirm screens to the consumer during their payment journey.
- Ensure the Create Web Payment and Retrieve Web Payment permissions are enabled on your API credentials.
- Ensure Judopay has enabled 3D Secure 2 on your sandbox tokens.
- If 3D Secure 2 is not enabled on your tokens, the test transaction will be successful, however it will not have followed the 3D Secure 2 verification process. Contact Customer Support to set this up.
- Ensure Judopay has enabled the Enforce AVS checks on your sandbox tokens.
- This will validate the billing address is registered to that card.
- Ensure you have set up the successUrl and cancelUrl landing pages in the Judopay Portal. You can also contact Customer Support to set this up.
- If these are not set up a default landing page will be presented to the consumer. The merchant will not have visibility of the transaction details and will need to create a GET transaction query, or set up webhooks in order to be notified of the event.
- You can determine which screens are displayed to the consumer during the payment flow.
- Set the hideBillingInfo and hideReviewInfo flags accordingly.
Suggested Test Scenario
Process a web payments card payment / preAuth / checkCard request with the Billing information screen displayed to the consumer.
TIP: Set the hideBillingInfo flag when creating the payment session.
Create a web payment session where hideBillingInfo = false Default setting = true.
The consumer is directed to the Billing information screen during the payment flow.
Expected Outcome

Suggested Test Scenario
Process a web payments card payment / preAuth / checkCard request with the Review & Confirm screen displayed to the consumer.
TIP: Set the hideReviewInfo flag when creating the payment session. The Review & Confirm screen will be hidden.
Create a web payment session where hideReviewInfo = false Default setting = true.
The consumer is directed to the Review & Confirm screen during the payment flow.
Expected Outcome

Suggested Test Scenario
Process a web payments card payment / preAuth / checkCard request with the Billing information screen hidden to the consumer.
TIP: Set the hideBillingInfo flag when creating the payment session.
Create a web payment session where hideBillingInfo = true Default setting = true.
The consumer is directed to the Pay with card screen, as the Billing information screen is hidden during the payment flow.
Expected Outcome

Suggested Test Scenario
Process a successful web payments card payment and re-direct to your successUrl landing page.
TIP: Ensure you have set up the successUrl landing page in the Judopay Portal. If this is not set up a default landing page will be presented to the consumer.
When re-directing the POST call to the successUrl, the payload will also contain the:
- receiptId
- cardToken
- reference
- yourConsumerReference
- yourPaymentReference Store the cardToken for future transactions.
Use the receiptId to GET information on the transaction.
Expected Outcome

Suggested Test Scenario
Process a successful web payments card preAuth and re-direct to your successUrl landing page.
TIP: Ensure you have set up the successUrl landing page in the Judopay Portal. If this is not set up a default landing page will be presented to the consumer.
The Send and Download Receipt buttons will be hidden as it is a preAuth request.
Expected Outcome

Suggested Test Scenario
Process a successful web payments checkCard validation request and re-direct to your successUrl landing page.
TIP: Ensure you have set up the successUrl landing page in the Judopay Portal. If this is not set up a default landing page will be presented to the consumer.
The CheckCard request is similar to the Payments and PreAuths request, just remove the amount field.
Expected Outcome

Suggested Test Scenario
Set an expiry date for the payment session.
TIP: The paymentSession will expire in 30 minutes, unless an ExpiryDate is set in the /paymentsession request body.
Update the expiryDate field in the request body to set an expiry date in the future. Default = 30 minutes.
You can then store the session to use at a later date.
Expected Outcome
Suggested Test Scenario
Cancel an open payment session.
TIP: Update the status of an Open payment session to Cancelled, preventing it from being used in the future. Use the endpoint: PUT /paymentsession/{reference}/cancel
The reference returned in response to the creation of the payment session.
Expected Outcome
Suggested Test Scenario
Check the status of a payment session.
TIP: Use the endpoint: GET /webpayments/{reference}
The reference returned in response to the creation of the payment session. Possible status values:
- Open
- Success
- Expired
- Cancelled
You can determine the number of Open attempts that are remaining for that payment session from the response.
The paymentSession can be used for up to three transaction attempts for the same transaction.
A payment session can be used again to re-submit a failed transaction attempt.
Once a transaction attempt is successful, the paymentSession can no longer be used even if there are any remaining attempts available.
The paymentSession will expire in 30 minutes, unless an ExpiryDate is set in the /paymentsession request body.
Expected Outcome
Example 1 Status Open:
Example 2 Status Expired:
Example 3 Status Success:
When you see status = Success, the receiptId will also be in the response. Use the receiptIdto GET information on the transaction.
Example 4 Status Cancelled:
For more information on API credentials and permissions, see Permissions.
To simulate a successful web payments request, use the Test Cards.
Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/webpayments/preauths For the full schema details and descriptions, see Transaction API /webpayments/preauths.
Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/webpayments/checkcard For the full schema details and descriptions, see Transaction API /webpayments/checkcard.
Sandbox endpoint: https://api-sandbox.judopay.com/webpayments/payments For the full schema details and descriptions, see Transaction API/webpayments/payments.
Header Parameters:
Depending on how you integrate with Judopay, you can authenticate requests by:
- /paymentsession, or
- TokenSecretAuth
- The token and secret pair
For more information, see Authentication Methods.
Body Parameters:
Web Payments Configuration Property Descriptions
Declines can occur for various reasons, it can be impossible to simulate all the negative flows in a sandbox environment.
- How your app handles negative flows
- Your customer's experience should a negative flow occur:
- Logic to communicate error messages
- Customise how your app responds
- How to maintain application consistency
Follow our suggested guidelines to simulate negative scenarios, to test your app’s error handling.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Process an unsuccessful web payments card payment / preAuth and re-direct to your cancelUrl landing page.
Use the following:
- cardNumber: 4221690000004963
- cv2: 452
- expiryDate: 12/24
Expected Error Code and Description
Ensure you have set up the cancelUrl landing page in the Judopay Portal. If this is not set up a default landing page will be presented to the consumer.
The cardToken value = null.

Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Process an unsuccessful web payments card checkCard validation request and re-direct to your cancelUrl landing page.
Use the following:
- cardNumber: 4221690000004963
- cv2: 452
- expiryDate: 12/24
Expected Error Code and Description
Ensure you have set up the cancelUrl landing page in the Judopay Portal
If this is not set up a default landing page will be presented to the consumer.

Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Attempt to perform a web payments card:
- payment
- preAuth
request using an Expired payment session.
Expected Error Code and Description
667003 WebPayment reference is invalid.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Attempt to perform a web payments card:
- payment
- preAuth
- checkCard
request using an invalid card number.
Expected Error Code and Description
196 Unable to process transaction as the card number is invalid. Please try again with a different card.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Attempt to perform a web payments card:
- payment
- preAuth
- checkCard
request using an invalid billing address.
To validate the card is registered to the correct post code, ensure the following permission on your sandbox API credentials is enabled:
- Enforce AVS checks.
Default setting = disabled.
Expected Error Code and Description
158 Sorry, but your card authentication has failed.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Attempt to perform a web payments card:
- payment
- preAuth
- checkCard
request using an expiry date that is in the past.
Expected Error Code and Description
155 Sorry, but the Web Payment expiry date must be in the future.
Suggested Negative Test Scenario
Attempt to perform a checkCard request decline using the following:
- cardNumber: 4221690000004963
- cv2: 452
- expiryDate: 12/24
Expected Error Code and Description
Declined Card declined.
For a list of possible error codes, types and descriptions, see Codes.