Apple Pay™ for Web
It is assumed you already have a Judopay account. If you do not, sign up for a sandbox account here.
From the Web SDK integration guide:
- To hide the payment form iFrame, use: <div id="payment-iframe" style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0;"></div>
The payment form iFrame must be loaded onto the page in order for payments to work. However displaying the form to the consumer is not required for this transaction type.
Direct from Judopay:
- Judopay JudoID
- A valid apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
From the Merchant:
- Domain(s) being used for Apple Pay™
- These are the domain(s) where the Apple Pay™ button will be displayed, for example the checkout page.
These must be SSL enabled domains, Apple will not allow non-encrypted domains to be used.
- Account(s) being used for Apple Pay™
Using Judopay's Web SDK:
- Within your checkout page code, add the following for placement of the Apple Pay™ button: <div id="apple-pay-button-container" width="100%" align="left"></div>
This <div> tag will be exchanged to display the Apple Pay™ button. (On a browser or device that can use Apple Pay™, for example an iPhone, or Safari Browser on a Mac).
- Include the following script to create the Apple Pay™ button: This sample will call the handleApplePayButtonClick function, when the button is clicked.
- black
- white
Type (Optional):
- If set to buy:
- Buy now with Apple, will be displayed.
- If omitted:
- The Apple Logo will be displayed.
- Include the following script to handle the Apple Pay™ Payment:
Replace the items in {{brackets}} with your values.
See below for more details on the parameters that create the applePayConfiguration object:
Apple Pay™ Configuration Object Parameter Descriptions:
2. Ensure the configuration options for:
- amount
- currency
- yourConsumerReference
- yourPaymentReference match those used when obtaining the valid paymentSession.
This is used to cross reference the validity of the transaction.
Apple Pay™ recurring payments enables you to process a standard Apple Pay™ transaction, however by setting the initialRecurringPayment flag in the initial transaction, will result in an Apple Pay™ recurring payment token (also known as a Merchant Primary Account Number, or MPAN) being generated and sent to Judopay.
The Apple Pay™ MPAN is stored by Judopay, and an associated Judopay card token is returned in the Apple Pay™ transaction response.
This associated Judopay card token can then be used by you for future Merchant Initiated Transactions.
You will be responsible for initiating the recurring / MIT transactions, including those generated from an Apple Pay™ recurring transaction type. Call Judopay's Transaction API /transactions/payments endpoint directly, including the recurring payment card token, obtained from the initial transaction. Card tokens generated from Apple Pay™ recurring transactions can be utilised for both scheduled (recurring MIT) and unscheduled (ad hoc MIT) transactions.
For more information, see the Transaction API Reference documentation.
To trigger an initial transaction that allows you to set up an Apple Pay™ recurring payment token for future MITs:
Supply the initialRecurringPayment flag in your configuration object (see, Step Three: Handle the Apple Pay™ Button Click). Supplying the recurring payment information will:
- Inform Apple Pay™ of future recurring payments.
- Update the Apple Pay™ UI with the recurring payment information displayed to the consumer.
- Add the details field to your configuration object For more information on this object’s interface, see: Step Three: Handle the Apple Pay™ Button Click), if this is not already supplied. For more information on this object’s interface, see PaymentDetailsBase in the W3C Payment Request API Specification.
- As part of the detailsobject, include the modifiers field. This is an array of objects of the type: PaymentRequestModifier (See, W3C Payment Request API Specification).
- Define a PaymentRequestModifier in the array. Here, the data field is used to define the Apple Pay™ Recurring Payment Request.
An example details object, used to supply recurring payment information:
Ensure you change the values to your own.
The above example details object includes all the mandatory fields. For more information on optional fields, see the Apple Pay Documentation.
To get your valid Apple™ domain registration:
- Create the following folder on your web server's root domain directory: ./well-known
- In the folder, create a web server identity file: apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
- Download the following contents to the web server identity file:
Make sure you remove the .txt file extension.
4. Complete a web server test:
- Make sure the web server identity file is accessible externally from your website.
- In a browser go to:
- Change the location to your website domain.
- Ensure that the apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association file is downloadable.
Apple will use this location to check the validity of your domain. It is important this is externally accessible.
5. Notify Judopay of the following details:
- JudoID(s)
- List your JudoIDs you wish enabled for Apple Pay™
- Domain(s)
- List your domain URLs you wish enabled for Apple Pay™
Judopay developer support will enable your account(s) with the Apple Pay™ configuration that will allow you to perform Apple Pay™ transactions from those domains. Once complete, we will reply to your original request notifying you that this has been actioned.
Wallet Payment Scenarios (via Web SDK Integration):
For more information see, Testing your Wallet Payment Integration.