- How your app handles negative flows
- Your customer's experience should a negative flow occur:
- Logic to communicate error messages
- Customise how your app responds
- How to maintain application consistency
It is advised to generate:
- Successful
- Declines
- Errors
If you need to familiarise yourself with any of our key terms, see Key Terms.
Code | Error Description | Possible Reason | Resolution |
403 | Sorry, but we were unable to authenticate your request. Please check your details and try again. | The Incorrect:
| Check you have the correct environment (live or sandbox) for your:
86 | Sorry, this payment has been stopped as it is a duplicate transaction. | yourPaymentReference has already been used. This value should be unique in order to protect your customers against duplicate transactions. | Check you are providing a unique yourPaymentReference. |
154 | Your provided consumer reference is incorrect, please check your details and try again. | The incorrect yourConsumerReference has been used when making a token payment. | yourConsumerReference must match the original reference when the token was initially created. |
191 | The purchase cannot be completed at this time. For additional information please contact your card issuer at 0345 266 8634 "Message": "Unable to process transaction. Too many challenge attempts". | The card issuer has declined this transaction. | Please retry, or use a different card. |
70 | Sorry, but it looks like the card token specified is not valid. Please check your details and try again. | The cardToken and yourConsumerReference are incorrect. | Check the cardToken and yourConsumerReference are valid. |
If you initiate a payment, but do not receive a payment response confirmation due to a network error or internet outage, try the following to check the transaction status:
- Use the GET /transactions endpoint from Judopay’s Transaction API and include yourPaymentReference and yourConsumerReference in the request. This will return a list of transactions associated with those references. For more information, see Get Transactions.
- Use the GET /webpayments/{reference} and include the paymentSession reference returned in response to the creation of the session. This will return the transaction associated with that payment session. For more information, see Get Transactions with paymentSession.
- Implement Webhooks. Webhooks notify your system when a transaction or event has taken place. The benefit of using webhooks means you do not need to pull information from the Judopay API for every event. You can set up webhooks from the Judopay Portal. For more information on setting up webhooks, see Enable Webhooks.
Example Web SDK network error message:
Before you contact our support teams, make sure you have captured the following:
- The judoId.
- The sandbox API Token and Secret.
- The receiptId of the transaction.
- This is Judopay's unique reference for the transaction.
- The specific error code(s) returned.
- For example: 154 | 77 | 175 | 182
- yourPaymentReference
- This is your unique reference for the transaction.
- Time-stamp when the issue occurred.
- Any screen shots showing the error.
These will help us investigate your issue.